As a design mechanism the choreographed design uses kinetic principles as part of the design gestalt and takes the design process out of the static paper conceptual world into a virtual world which relies on three dimensional modeling as its primary vehicle. Elevation and plan are immediately merged into a volumetric realm from the beginning of the design process.
Many other kinetic principles take place in choreographed spaces, such as the infliction of changing light on a material and or the tracking of the daily changes of the natural light over the period of a day. Additionally the immediacy of visualization, of the three dimensional environments, give users a look into the future by seeing in almost any direction of the space that is envisioned.
Many of these ideas of synergy were developed during my dance studies and the integration of computers into architectural practices. Computers have changed the way we work but how we think. Design thinking as well as other fields of science, art and mathematics started evolving into a world of computational modeling.
Its direct impact on design is still evolving. However, as a dancer the idea of isolating phrases as spatial concepts was clear. Modeling of space has become more fluid. Formal ideas of space have broken out of the orthographic projection into a more sinuous world of interconnected and dependent revolutions.
In this portfolio I have traced that development starting in 1985 through to today’s projects to elaborate on the design and its impact on my projects. To present this idea succinctly I have designed a portfolio that illustrates the process as choreography, inherently expressed as motion.
There are two major components to this portfolio, first the work which I have done for other firms and if one could draw the analogy, it would be that of a dancer executing the work of the choreographer. The second part is that of designing as a choreographer. The second part explores computer animation or interactive environments as a formal design parti. These projects require not only a physical place but also highly kinetic environments.